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Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

5 Steps to creating a attractive campaign

5 Steps to creating a attractive campaign

Link building plays a critical role in SEO today, but despite its importance, many people still approach this component haphazardly. They enthusiastically jump in with both feet, but without a structured process, they fail to achieve the results they could.

Microsites Aren't Always Ideal for SEO

In the past, I’ve taken both approaches: I’ve run some link-building campaigns with little to no structure, and I’ve run others with enough structure to make German engineers weep with joy.
I can tell you from firsthand experience that the latter results in a more efficient campaign every single time. Meanwhile, that efficiency leads to better results for your clients and higher profit margins for you. So today, I’m going to share five steps you can use to make your link-building campaigns more efficient.

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Start with a plan

I once had a client who, despite having the best of intentions, reminded me of a squirrel who had just guzzled a double espresso. Each time we would develop a detailed marketing plan working toward his goals, he would tell us how much he loved everything, sign off on it, and then within a few weeks, decide that he wanted to focus on some new shiny goal. As you might imagine, this absolutely killed his progress.
Fortunately, he recently stepped down, and the new CEO bases his marketing programs on a plan rather than a whim.
Planning is not a luxury. It’s a necessity that keeps you on track, improves performance and helps you reach your goals more quickly and efficiently because it reduces wasted time and energy.
Think of it in the context of travel. How efficient do you think you would be if you just hopped in your car and started driving with no route in mind, no GPS or map, and only a destination with no plan on how to get there? It’s pretty safe to assume that it would not be an efficient trip, and that’s if you even made it to your destination at all!
You need to develop a detailed link-building plan to maximize your results. It’s not just a numbers game, so by determining exactly what you want to accomplish and outlining the steps necessary to do so, you’ll achieve far greater results, and you’ll do so more quickly.

Focus on a tighter niche

Most SEO professionals today understand the importance of relevance in their link-building campaigns, and I would take this approach a step further. Rather than going after any and every link that is relevant to your content, you should further refine your strategy to go after links from a smaller niche within that pool of relevant websites. That may sound limiting, but hear me out.
Let’s say you’re building links for an architectural firm. Obviously, links from home builders, commercial contractors and engineers would all be relevant, but they would each link to an architectural firm for their own particular reasons — so the content you would need to create to earn those links would be different in each case. Having to create all of these distinct types of content is relatively inefficient.
On the other hand, if you create some amazing content that appeals to home builders, and then systematically conduct outreach targeting that type of site, your workflow will be both more efficient and more productive. You’ll also likely develop contacts who know each other, which come into play later.
Speaking of workflow…

Follow a process

Jumping from activity to activity is a recipe for disaster because it reduces efficiency and makes it more difficult to measure and reproduce results. That’s why an assembly line is so much more efficient than one person building something from start to finish.
When my team builds links, we follow a well-documented process that starts with thorough planning. We will first identify a strategic goal, and then determine what topics we need to rank for to achieve that goal.
From there, we start planning our topics for the next four to 12 months, including core pages as well as blog posts. Next, we identify the ideal websites we want to earn links from and compile their information. Finally, we conduct outreach, build relationships and follow up until we’ve earned those links for our client.
Following a documented process not only helps us produce better results for our clients more quickly, it also helps us to scale our agency more effectively because we can bring new employees on board and get them productive faster.

Document your campaigns

Documenting the work you put into your link-building campaigns makes it easier for teams to effectively work together because everyone has real-time access to tasks and their statuses, any necessary files and a log of all communications, both internal and external. Even if you work alone, this is still a valuable step because it helps you to consistently reproduce results.
We use a project management system called Teamwork and a customer relationship management (CRM) system called Hubspot to do this, and when integrated with Gmail, we can log literally every single email we send without any extra effort. We also use Boomerang for Gmail to automatically remind our team to follow up if we don’t receive a reply within a specified time frame. (Of course, there are many project management and CRM tools available, and you should invest some time evaluating which work best for your needs, situation and workflow. What is best for my team might not be best for you.)

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One of the most powerful features of using a CRM to document your link-building efforts is that you can assign contacts to specific campaigns and even apply tags so that you can categorize, track and report on your efforts.
This means that if I need a list of people with whom we have an existing relationship (because they have linked to our clients before), I can quickly and easily pull a list and connect. We’re far more likely to earn a link from one of these people than we would with a cold email to a stranger, so this can be a huge productivity booster.
These tools aren’t solely effective for existing relationships, though. The vast majority of your initial cold emails will be ignored or declined, but a CRM allows you to set reminders to follow up with link prospects. That way, over time, you can develop and nurture a relationship that makes it easier to eventually earn links from them in the future.
There is both art and science to doing this well, which is covered in a piece on Marketing Land called How to get your content amplified by influencers.
And once you’ve built those relationships…

Source: Search Engine Land


Microsites Aren’t Always Ideal for SEO

Why microsites aren’t always ideal for SEO
Microsites have their uses, but columnist Janet Driscoll Miller argues that they can often create unnecessary headaches for search engine optimization professionals.
THINKIT Training

The question of whether or not to utilize microsites is an interesting topic of discussion for SEO.

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On the one hand, microsites allow organizations to segment information and focus a site clearly on one topic. For instance, it’s not uncommon for an organization or association that hosts conferences to have a separate conference-focused website for registration and information aside from the main organization website (as Search Engine Land does with the SMX conference site). Or, if you own several car dealerships, you may want or need to have a separate website for each dealership location.

There are definitely times when having separate sites makes sense from a brand perspective. But there are also several reasons you may want to reconsider splitting your website into multiple microsites. Following are some potential SEO issues that can result from implementing microsites.

Inbound links
Since the original Google algorithm patent, inbound links have been an important ranking factor. So, how can they be affected by microsites?

Imagine you own a restaurant and have several locations. For example, we have a local restaurant in Charlottesville named Guadalajara with four locations. Each restaurant has the same menu. Do you need a separate website for each location, such as Guadalajara Pantops and Guadalajara Downtown?

In situations like these, I advise clients against using separate websites if possible because it can split and dilute the inbound link value. Just as the quantity and quality of links to an individual page is important, overall quantity and quality of links to the domain is also important.

If the sites are separated, they are working as two separate websites, essentially competing with one another in Google search results. If they are on one website, they are working together in Google search results.

With a single site, there are more inbound links pointed to the one domain, as opposed to splitting those links across multiple domains. In this scenario, ultimately the single site works better for SEO.

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Site authority
It’s tough to really know what Google’s perceived authority for a site on a particular subject is. But what we do know is that Google values and looks for content along a similar vein as part of determining authority.

For example, if I have a blog and write almost exclusively about cats, but then one day have a random post about traveling to Paris, it can be assumed that Google would likely see my website as an authority on cats before it would consider my site an authority on Paris.

In this case, the Paris content and the cat content are very different — not even related to one another. The audiences may even be different. So, if I were planning to add more Paris content, it might make sense to have two different blogs: one that is a travel blog about Paris and a separate one about cats. Each can become its own authority on its own subject.

But what if the topic is closely related? For example, let’s say that I have a blog that features posts about cat nutrition and dog nutrition. The site could be considered by Google authoritative as a resource for overall pet nutrition because these are similar topics. In a case like this one, I wouldn’t recommend necessarily splitting the site into two separate sites because the categories/topics are related and can still likely be an authority in Google’s view.

Still, don’t think that just because one site has two very different topics, it can’t be an authority on each. A site doesn’t have to be an authority on only one topic. Before you decide to split your site into multiple sites, consider the ramifications of both site authority overall and what your future goals are. If you’re trying to show Google that your site should be an authority in a new space or new topic, you’ve got to build that authority over time.

Duplicate content
Let’s say your organization owns several dental offices, each with its own website. One of the office websites posts a blog post about tips for good dental health, and you’d like to share that post on the other offices’ website blogs. Great! Unfortunately, it’s easy to accidentally create duplicate content this way, especially if the webmasters for those office websites aren’t coordinating efforts well.

If you choose to use multiple sites, be diligent in using the canonical tag when sharing content between your websites to ensure that the content creator gets full SEO credit and that the other sites don’t inadvertently create duplicate content.

Analytics tracking
While technically, you can track traffic across multiple domains, it’s less than ideal and can be complicated to set up in Google Analytics. I have a client that has annual charity events, and each event is hosted on its own specific event domain rather than on the main charity website.

When a visitor navigated from the main charity website to the event microsite, source data for that visitor became “referral” rather than the source that brought the visitor to the charity site originally, such as Google.

This scenario leads to a great deal of lost information as a visitor moves from one site to another. In the view of Google Analytics, it’s as if this visitor moved from one whole company/website to another, and the background information for that visitor does not follow to the new site.

As Google Webmaster Trend Analyst John Mueller recently mentioned, and as SEO expert Jennifer Slegg reported, maintenance can be a major problem when you have many smaller websites. If you have two different sites, that means two different XML sitemaps to maintain. It means ensuring that two separate sites are mobile-friendly and optimized for page load speed. Having two separate sites can mean a lot of extra maintenance that is avoided with just one website.

Having multiple websites also introduces greater potential for errors. For example, let’s say you want to add Google Tag Manager (GTM) to each site. First, you may need to create separate GTM accounts and then create the specific containers for each site. Then, you’ll have to add the correct GTM code to each of the sites in the correct location. The more sites you have, the more likely you might accidentally introduce an error.

All in all, it’s likely best to avoid separate domain microsites for SEO. If the content is truly a separate entity, you may want to consider subdomains rather than microsites on separate domains, which keeps the content on the same domain but provides some level of separation.

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Source: Searchengineland

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